House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA
Puget Sound Ministries is enthusiastic about the work being done in Tacoma by House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA. This exceptional church has stayed the course in mending broken people one at a time. To report on the work being done here is genuinely only a peek at what is happening in this humble church’s lives that has a rich history only dating back to 2004. The generous ministries here are much needed in this day and time and are warmly welcomed by all spectrums of people in the Tacoma and JBLM area of Washington state.
The History of the church in Tacoma
Tacoma, Washington, is a port city in the southernmost part of the Puget Sound area in the western part of Washington State. Tacoma was founded around November 1875 and built around the seaport trade and the railway system. While House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA is not as old as the city it is located in, the ancient Spirit of Humility that dwells in this remarkable church can be seen in its people from its beginning. Zechariah 4:10a says, “For who dares make light of small beginnings?…” [NET]. The church started in 2004 in a hotel conference room with just a handful of people and, through much trial and tribulation, has blossomed in only a few years into a solid bulwark for souls in the community. Just like the handful of meal and the cruse of oil didn’t run out for the widow in Elijah’s day, I Kings 17:14 “For Yahweh, the God of Israel says, ‘The jar of meal will not run out, and the jar of oil will not fail, until the day that Yahweh sends rain on the earth.’” [WEB], House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA has not lacked people who would answer the call to serve the Lord. Today, this resilient church serving the local community of Tacoma & JBLM, and there are now three richly diverse churches of this kind in the region.
The Wonderful Ministries of House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA
This wholesome church has many impressive ministries. To name a few, the church has a long-standing nursing home ministry, a servicemen’s home outreach, and vibrant community outreach. Puget Sound Ministries has taken notice of the hope and bright smiles brought on by the preaching of God’s Word, joyful gospel music, and fellowshipping with the residence of local nursing homes. The Bible says in Psalm 68:6a, “Those who are without friends, God puts in families” [BBE]. It is evident that God loves those from all walks of life, those forgotten in nursing homes, and what about the often overlooked servicemen and women. This is seen in the scriptures in Acts 10:34-35. Peter ministering to a soldier named Cornelius and his house said, “truly, I see clearly that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation, the man who has fear of him and does righteousness is pleasing to him.” [BBE] In the House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA’s outstanding servicemen’s home ministry, many a lonesome soldier and or airmen has found a “home away from home” while being fed with hot home-cooked meals and served wholesome Christian doctrine that warms and fills the soul. Finally, one other ministry of this good church is their prayerful outreach to the local community. Several days a week, many of the members go throughout the community to share prayer and an encouraging message of hope to any who will have it. Many a soul on any given night have expressed thankfulness and even at times tears of joy as the words “I’ve been praying for this” have spewed from their lips.
Helping the people of Tacoma
Scripture says, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” -Psalm 121:1-2 [NTV]. When it comes to helping the people of Tacoma, House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA, will not compromise the power of prayer. Puget Sound Ministries has noted that this rare church knows that all actual help comes from the LORD. Through the power of prayer, men and women of all walks of life who were either addicted to drugs, homeless or just having marital problems, even from the stressed-out college student to the burned-out businessman or woman on the brink of bad fortune, they have been brought in off the street and swept into Gods place of help. Whether delivered from drugs or homelessness, they’ve gone on to secure good jobs and permanent places to stay, and in many cases, marriages were restored, and peace was brought to the stressed and burned-out. Still serving God today, these members of House of Prayer Christian Church Tacoma, WA, have powerful testimonies proving that help indeed can be found in God’s house. There are still many broken lives in Tacoma and a lot of work to do, but Puget Sound Ministries can tell you that the fire burning in this praying church is a love for God and people that will not be extinguished. Song of Songs 8:7a says, “Mighty bodies of water cannot extinguish love, rivers cannot put it out. [ISV].