House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy, WA
Puget Sound Ministries is constantly on a journey to seek out and find those churches that are living up to the Gospel call and following the direction of Christ Jesus found in the Gospel of Saint Luke 9:2, “and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (NIV) As we find these churches, we like to take some time and highlight their efforts in reaching the harvest field that God has put them in. On our travels, we have come across a monumental church, House of Prayer Christian Church, Lacy, WA. This spectacular church is a church that genuinely embodies the love of Christ and lives up to its creed to “Do All We Can Now!”
History of the church in Lacey
On our search, we landed at the House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy, WA. Lacy, Washington is a small city, a suburb of the state’s capital of Olympia and not far from the U.S. Army post of Fort Lewis, a great location for a church to sprout up and reach out to the multitudes that surround them. The church here was started in 2011 with nothing more than a vision, and a grand vision it was, to reach the lost in all the ways that they could. This vision and desire to have a church in Lacy drove them to search out a building to have their church services. They located an old aircraft hanger right outside of a small local airport which they had converted into what is now a valiant church laboring for the kingdom of Heaven. The members of this church are motivated and passionate about the work that they do; laboring in the prison ministry showing the love of God to those that need a second chance, having church service at local nursing homes to reach out to the elderly and often forgotten and, so much more.
Ministering to civilian and military of Lacey
The outreach of House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy WA is widespread. At the heart of this passionate church is the desire shared with God, that none should perish, 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (NIV) As we stated above, in a suburb of Olympia, Washington, and on the outskirts of the U.S. Army post-Fort Lewis, this church’s outreach has radiated to both civilian and military communities alike. With a diversity of people, ranging from long-time locals, those who migrated for work, to those brought in by the military, there is something for all at House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy, WA. Whether you are looking for a group of like-minded Christians to be around or need the one-on-one counseling to help you navigate life’s tough decisions, this church’s leadership takes time to be personable with all people. With this being said, let us look at some of the great ministries of this church.
Great ministries of House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy, WA
Like all the churches recognized by Puget Sound Ministries, House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy WA has many great ministries. The first of which that we are going to look at is their old-time Gospel preaching. Being a full Gospel church of all nations, this church preaches the whole Bible in a way that is loved by many. Energetic, lively, and powerful are just some of the words that have been used to describe the preaching at this church, a message that not only sits on the ears of the hearers but truth that finds its way into the very soul of the listeners. The sermons are messages of hope and encouragement, uplifting the congregants and letting everyone know that it is not impossible to live for God. From the Gospel preaching of this church, we will continue on to the next great ministry that follows; their prayer meetings. Christ went out of his way to tell us to pray always in the book of Saint Luke 18:1 “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (NIV) Prayer is the foundation of House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy WA and not just in name only. Not only does this church end every service in prayer, but they have prayer meetings, times scheduled where the congregants will come together to pray, just like in the book of Acts. Every day, this church is gathered together at noon-time to spend the hour in prayer. These noon-time prayer meetings are a time of significant strengthening for all those that attend. They are open to all that want to come; many have had their Christianity solidified in these prayer meetings, some have found it a time of repentance and salvation, while others a time to rejoice and sing a psalm. Whatever the need is, the prayer meeting at House of Prayer Christian Church Lacy, WA is the place to have that need met, as it is a place where the power of prayer still thrives.
Saint Mathew 9:37-38 states, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (NIV) This scripture rings true all over the world and no less in Lacy, WA, where House of Prayer Christian Church, Lacy, WA has not only heeded the request to pray and ask the Lord of the harvest, but they have also picked up their tools, so to speak, and entered into that harvest field to labor until they can labor no more. Though small in number, they are not small in labor; it is not a hundred-year-old church, but rather a church with an ancient desire, a desire to see the world reached through the power of prayer! It is our hope that a look into this church has stirred you to pray and to reach all that you can now