HOPCC Tacoma, WA
It has been said that “The darker the night, the brighter the light.” In the darkest room, even a tiny candle can show the way. And spiritually, when the moral night is increasingly dark, a small ray of Gospel light will guide groping souls to the right way. This is the mission of the HOPCC Tacoma, WA. Matthew 5:14 NIV says, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” The saints here are committed to shining the light of Jesus Christ all around them. Whether it is in the woods of Lacey, the steep hills near the Port of Tacoma, or the gang-ridden neighborhoods of the “Hilltop,” there is a band of Christians standing as a beacon, to fulfill Matthew 5:16 NIV “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
In Tacoma, Washington, and the surrounding area, there are three congregations of House of Prayer Christian Church or HOPCC as it is also known. Because of its location in the Northwest, the days are short for much of the year, and darkness comes early. Along with this, it is frequently very overcast and rainy. The combination of these two facts contributes to a very high suicide rate. One of the counties where the churches are located, Pierce County, has long been known as one of the worst for drug use. Many young people are homeless, teeth rotted by meth. In the midst of all this darkness, HOPCC Tacoma, WA, has chosen to set its foundations. There is a toll-free prayer line where many Christians stand ready to answer calls and pray with people. Day after day, soul-winners go into the streets to find hurting, downtrodden humanity and offer them the light of hope. They hand them a prayer line card and many times pray with them right on the street. There are many testimonies of this prayer line. One man was standing on a bridge, ready to jump to his death, when he remembered the card someone had given him. He called, and though it was late at night, a brother answered the call and was able to pray with the man, encourage him and convince him not to give up. One life saved from destruction is worth it all!
Another aspect of the ministry of HOPCC Tacoma, WA, is their military outreach. This is a common theme running thru the organization nationwide. Many churches are near military bases, and the majority of the pastors and ministers are veterans themselves. Because of this, they have compassion for the young soldiers they meet. Here at JBLM, which is a joint base of Army and Air Force and the nearby naval base at Bremerton, there are thousands of soldiers who don’t know why in the world they were stationed at this lonely place, far away from home. They face many challenges and have to go through it all alone. A primary reason many young people have joined the military is to get away from past bad decisions and wild lifestyles, hoping to start over. Thankfully, HOPCC Tacoma, WA, is there, full of hope and strength, ready to be there as a refuge, to lift up the weary hands in their fight to do what’s right.
This being a refuge is precisely the focus of the HOPCC Tacoma, WA Servicemen’s Home. It is a home away from home, a place to get a home-cooked meal, fellowship, and the influence of Godly mentors. Because many of the pastors and members are prior service, they well remember the loneliness and fear of being away from home for the first time and the pressure to fit in with a new group of friends. There are many older “big brothers” and “big sisters” in the church who, though they do not glory or boast in the lives they lived before they came to Christ, have been down some of the roads to destruction. By the grace of God, they were rescued before it was too late, often by another soul winner in another Servicemen’s Home. They recognize the struggle that soldiers go through because they have been there themselves. They can say to the 19-year- old, or even the 39-year-old, “You don’t have to give in to peer pressure, to the norm, to get drunk, to drugs, to suicide. We stood against the temptations, and you can, too. We’re here for you!”
In conclusion, this dedicated group of Christian soldiers at HOPCC Tacoma, WA, have committed their lives to being shining lights, a city set upon a hill, and they will not be hidden. The sacrifices they make to proclaim the truth to lost and dying humanity become the pure olive oil in their lamps that burns continually. They are determined that nothing will stop them from evangelizing, no rain, no cold, no gangs, no drive-bys, no darkness…nothing…until the day of the Lord’s return. Daniel 12:3 NIV “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” So many lives have been changed by their labors and ceaseless prayers. This church has such a fervent and burning love for souls that it is impossible not to get fired up as well!